Today (27/10/2018) was a special day, last Animecon I got to know an idol band under the name NECRONOMIDOL. After reading up on them afterwards I got more interested in them. And if possible I wanted to see them again, if my schedule allowed for it.
So when preparing my trip and trying to make the best out of my 14-days JR Pass. It didn’t look very good. All shows announced at the time where all in Tokyo when I’d want to be outside Tokyo. And they even just announced an US-tour during the time I’d be in Tokyo.
But then a few weeks ago, the announcement came. They’d be joining in a day-long event spread over 3 venues. And I was in Tokyo then, so yeah I just HAD to go then. So I did, pre-ordered my ticket to get a sweet Y300 off. And I was good to go.
So, morning came. As usual I snooze a bit too long and it’s 9 o’clock before I realized it. But the first night in Tokyo was over. Went downstairs for a late breakfast.

It consisted off a bagel, minestrone soup, potato salad and 3 grapes. I also had a bowl of cereal together with a cup of hot chocolate.
NECRONOMIDOL wouldn’t be playing until the afternoon, but I looked up some of the other groups beforehand and decided on one I wanted to see. So it was time to head out to Tokyo Milky Way, the first stop. The easiest subway to take would be the Hanzomon-line all the way to Shibuya. For that I’d have to enter it at a station I found last night. It wasn’t that long a walk. And it saved me a few Yen and the hassle of changing trains.
First thing I saw when exiting the station, a friggin platelet cosplayer. I was surprised as I recently saw a Facebook post about cosplayers and THE rules in Japan. But then I remembered it was the weekend before Halloween, that in combination with it being Shibuya should be an OK, I guess?

I easily found my way to the venue passing by many more people dressed up, but when I arrived at the Milky Way, they asked for a bracelet I didn’t have yet. Sow.. concert missed. But they’d be playing again later that day at another venue. So first thing I did then was going out to get my bracelet at WOMB. Check-in went smooth. And I checked out some groups that were playing at the moment. The atmosphere was great in the room. It was crazy to see how organized some of the fangroups were. Lifting up people on the beat, getting them so close to the artists I’m amazed they didn’t touch them. Or at some point a group of three became five, as two guys stood in front of the stage looking at the public and performed the dance exactly the same.
Last night I found out the adapter I got to plug in my appliances didn’t work for my laptop. So I had to go and get a second one. Which I didn’t find, but I did find a plug changer for my charger. And it was even cheaper than all USB-plugs I could find. But if I could charge my laptop then I could charge my phone trough it in emergency situations. Also bought myself an external battery-pack. As I didn’t need it in Tokyo, but I’m expecting to use my phone a lot more in the other cities. So better be safe than sorry!
Shopping trip done, time to head back and get lost in Shibuya station. At one moment you have the Exit sign. And after that only line numbers, but nowhere a mention of the exit. Found another way out and took the crossing. Yes the famous one, where there is a diagonal crossing. Or at the moment I was there, 2 diagonals. People were just going everywhere, taking up the whole intersection.
I was getting hungry by now, so I entered a random restaurant and got me some Katsu Kare. It is so different from the one I’m used to at Wagamama. More ingredients in the curry sauce. It filled so well I couldn’t finish my miso soup.
With that done it was time to head back and get my second filling of Japanese music for the day. The shows were filled with talented groups (as otherwise they wouldn’t be in this Halloween special) but if I had to be really honest. Most of them sound pretty much the same, or at least they do to me, someone that probably can’t recognize the small intricacies that come with each sound. And I’m sorry if I offended anyone by saying this. As it was a Halloween special some of the groups wore something different from usual but it did look like they went shopping at the same store as I saw some duplicate costumes over all groups I watched.
Eventually it was time for my main act, the girls from NECRONOMIDOL. It was extra special as yesterday they announced the graduation of two members. A common thing in this world, but this group of five has been like this for 2 years by now. But I’m glad I got to see these five perform once more today. I even went to both shows and had a small talk with one of their helpers Derek, when I was buying their new CD.
The shows were over, get to know a lot of new bands I’ll have to add them all to a YouTube playlist or the like when I find the time.
It was already past nine, so time to head back to the hostel but not before I finished this bowl of Ramen.
Another thing about Halloween is that apparently all trike modders are driving around showing their pimped-up trike. I saw some amazing things, but they were just passing by so I couldn’t take a picture.
Now it really was time to go to the hostel, I said goodnight to Hachiko, boarded my train and walked back to the hostel. There I tried out the new power supply for my laptop. And as you’re reading this, it worked!
I tried to look-up some information for my trip tomorrow but somehow the internet didn’t want to work with me that moment, as it was getting late I just went to bed. As I had plenty of time tomorrow to write up this blogpost while I’m on the Shinkansen.